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3 records found where subject: Contribución Africana a la Cultura de las Américas. showing records 1 - 3.
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Letter October 17, 1992 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence E. Prescott writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella expressing gratitude for his help in securing Prescott's presence in the Coloquio: contribución africana a la cultura de las Américas (Bogotá, Colombia, 1992). He also mentions having seen the latest edition of Zapata Olivella's "Changó, el gran putas" displayed in a bookstore in Bogotá (Colombia), and asks for information regarding its French translation. PDF icon
Letter letter to Nascimento Spanish In a letter to Abdias do Nascimento, Zapata Olivella notes that plans to hold the next Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las América must continue despite his poor health. Zapata Olivella also expresses his dismay at the number of errors and omissions in the publication of the "Contribución Africana a la Cultura de las Américas" and notes that he has written a letter to the new director of the Instituto Colombiano de Antropología to express his "inconformidad." PDF icon
Letter July 15, 1992 letter from instituto de investigaciones Spanish Letter from one of the members of the Instituto de Investigaciones Afro-Peruano, in which the sender (unidentified) thanks Manuel Zapata Olivella for sending him the call for the colloquium "La Contribución Africana a la Cultura de las Américas." PDF icon